Espresso Machine Cleaning & Maintenance
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Cup Ratings; What do they mean?

Every repair has been given a cup rating for difficulty. Below are the descriptions of each rating and how they might pertain to your repair. If you have any questions please refer to your friendly neighborhood technician for further explanation.

(Difficulty ☕) - This rating indicates that no skill level is required for this procedure. Quite simple

(Difficulty ☕☕) - This procedure may require a few simple tools and know-how. Simple

(Difficulty ☕☕☕) - This task will require your attention and skills, follow the steps carefully.

(Difficulty ☕☕☕☕) - This procedure will require tools, attention, skills, and patience. Take your time on this one.

(Difficulty ☕☕☕☕☕) - This is a fix usually left to the professionals, if you're undertaking this repair, please take your time and be sure you have the proper tools.