Espresso Machine Cleaning & Maintenance
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E61 Cam Lubrication for Sticky/Squeaky Brew Lever

If you find your E61 brew lever starting to feel rough, squeaky, or sticking while rotating, follow along with this article to lubricate the cam and stop the squeak.

Also, keep in mind that a detergent backflush will make the brew lever action feel sticky, and pulling a few shots should make it feel smoother. If you follow our recommended 6 week detergent backflushing schedule, cam lubrication should only be necessary every third detergent backflush.

Tools Needed:

  • Adjustable wrench
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Food safe lubricant - we recommend Molykote Dow-111

1. Remove the E61 lever by taking out the flathead nut at the end of the lever.

E61 Cam Lubrication for Sticky/Squeaky Brew Lever

2. Use the adjustable wrench to remove the inner portion of the lever and cam shaft.

E61 Cam Lubrication for Sticky/Squeaky Brew Lever

3. Lubricate the cam head with food-safe lubricant and reinstall into the group head. If you're having trouble getting the cam to fit back in, see the next step for a tip on easier installation.

E61 Cam Lubrication for Sticky/Squeaky Brew Lever

4. If you're having a hard time reinstalling the cam, you can create an easier space by unthreading the bottom part of the e61. This will drop out the lower valve, making it much easier to install the cam first. After the cam is securely in place, you can reinstall the bottom part of the e61 with ease.
