Getting Started

LUCCA Solo: Adjusting the Expansion Valve

Follow along with these instructions to adjust the pump pressure on your machine.

Tools needed:

  •  Flathead Screwdriver
  • Portafilter with the backflush basket

The machine will need to be on and fully heated.

  1.  Remove the cup warming tray from the top of your machine.


  2. Start by locking in the portafilter into the group head and lift the brew lever. Use the flathead screwdriver to adjust the expansion valve while the pump is running - clockwise to increase pump pressure and counterclockwise to decrease pump pressure. Small adjustments are typically all that is needed. It should not take more than a quarter turn at a time to get large results.


Generally, we recommend the pump pressure sit anywhere between 8-10 bar, with 9 being the sweet spot. 
