General Troubleshooting

LUCCA Solo: Priming the Vibratory Pump

If you're getting low or no flow through the group head, follow these instructions to prime the pump.

Tools needed:

  •  Syringe/Baster/Squirt Bottle (something to force water through the intake tube)

  1.  Remove the cup warming tray.


  2. Locate the intake tube (there should be a filter on the end on the tube).

  3.  Turn the machine on, and with the water delivery tool of your choice, force water into the intake tube. 

  4. As you are forcing water into the tube, engage the pump by lifting the brew lever on the front of the machine. Turn the pump on and off, allowing it to run for 10 one-second intervals until you see water flowing from the group head. Once water can freely flow from the group head, return the intake tube to the reservoir. 


          If you still do not see water after about 20-30 seconds, turn the machine off and try re-priming. You might have to re-prime the pump a couple of times.