Steam & Steam Boiler Maintenance
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Profitec Pro 300: Safety Switch Replacement

Below you will find step by step instructions on replacing the steam boiler safety switch in a Profitec Pro 300 espresso machine.

Tools Needed:

  • 2.5mm Allen Key
  • 17mm Wrench

1. Remove the top panel of your machine.

2. Remove the 2 wires from the safety switch.

Profitec Pro 300: Steam Boiler Temperature Sensor Replacement

3. Use a 17mm wrench to loosen this part, once it's loose you will be able to remove it with your fingers.

Profitec Pro 300: Steam Boiler Temperature Sensor Replacement

4. Install the new safety switch - be careful not to over-tighten or the threads can break off the bottom of the sensor. Tighten it finger tight, and then give it just a tiny turn with the wrench. Reattach the blue wires and replace the top panel.

Profitec Pro 300: Steam Boiler Temperature Sensor Replacement