Cleaning & Maintenance

Profitec Pro 800: Panel Removal

Below you will find instructions for removing the panels from the Profitec Pro 800 Espresso Machine.

Tools Needed:

  • 3mm Allen Wrench

1. Unscrew the lever and set aside.

2. Remove the four screws holding the top panel in place.

3. If you tip the machine backwards you will be able to see the 6 screws that need to be loosened or removed.

Profitec Pro 800: Panel Removal

4. Remove the back panel by loosening the screw on each side hidden underneath the back lip of the back panel.

Profitec Pro 800: Panel Removal

5. Remove the side panels by loosening the screw found inside the front panel and sliding it downward and then back.

Profitec Pro 800: Panel Removal

6. When reinstalling the side panels, ensure the washer is on the front screw of the side panel to ensure the panels will not slip.

Profitec Pro 800: Panel Removal