General Maintenance

La Marzocco Linea Mini: Group Cleaning and Maintenance

Below you will find a video showing you how to properly clean and maintain your La Marzocco Line Mini espresso machine. This includes backflushing, cleaning and gasket, and screen replacement. (Difficulty ☕)

The La Marzocco Group Head Maintenance Kit can be purchased on our website. 


Tools you will need:

We’ll want to start with a thorough backflushing. A detergent backflush is something we recommend about once every 4-6 weeks as a routine cleaning for most machines. Follow the steps below to backflush your machine.

  1. Remove filter basket from portafilter and replace with blind cleaning basket.
  2. Add about 1/2 teaspoon of Biocaf powder to the blind filter. Lock your portafilter into the group head.
  3. Activate the brew paddle for 10 seconds and leave it off for 10 seconds to allow the machine to release pressure. Repeat this cycle 5 times. 
  4. Remove portafilter from group head. Rinse the portafilter to wash off any remaining detergent or residue.
  5. Insert your portafilter into the group head again, this time with a clean blind filter without the cleaner. Repeat step 2 to rinse and make sure no detergent residue is left.
  6. Rinse with water and replace the portafilter basket back to the original.  

Next, we’ll need to remove the existing gasket and screen. 

  1. With your flathead screwdriver, loosen the screw inside the group head. This screw is holding the screen in place.
  2. Once the screw is removed, the screen should easily come out of the group head.
  3. Using a pick or flathead screwdriver, pry the gasket from the group head.
  4. With a small towel, wipe away any remaining coffee residue from inside the group head.

Finally, it’s time to install the new gasket and screen!

  1. Apply a thin layer of the lubricant to the exterior of your new gasket.
  2. Slide the gasket back around the rim of the group head. It can be helpful to also insert your portafilter to help guide the gasket and position it firmly into place.
  3. Replace screen and insert dispersion screw until hand tight.

Insert portafilter back into your group head - you're all finished! Don't forget to do this once a year. If you bought the machine from us, don't worry...we'll remind you.