Getting Started

Flair 58 Pro 2 Espresso Maker Setup Guide

Congratulations on your new Flair 58 Pro 2 Espresso Maker! In this guide, you should find everything you need to set up and operate your manual espresso maker.

Step 1: Unboxing and Inspection

  • Remove the Flair 58 Pro 2 Espresso Maker's carrying case from the box and place it on a stable, level surface.
  • Before assembling the espresso maker, inspect for damage that may have occurred during shipping. If you notice any damage, contact us immediately.
  • Save all packaging, as this is needed for returns and repairs.
  • Set aside the included quick start guide for reference. 

Step 2: Water quality

  • Before introducing water to your Flair 58 Pro 2 espresso maker, it's essential to test it to ensure it's adequately soft, around 50 ppm (parts per million). Use the included water test strips from your home barista starter kit to verify the hardness of your water. To learn more about our recommendations for water quality, check out our blog post, The Importance of Water and Your Espresso Machine.
  • Once you've confirmed your water quality is adequate, you can fill the brew head cylinder with boiling water and pre-heat for 30 seconds before brewing espresso. Note: do not use Zero water or reverse osmosis, as this will negatively impact the flavor of your espresso. 

Step 3: Assembling the Flair 58 Pro 2

  • Insert the post and lever into the espresso maker's base. Next, install the drip tray onto the Flair's base. Remove the stainless steel brew head and move the plunger into position inside the brew cylinder. The plunger will be opposite of the red o-rings inside the cylinder when positioned correctly.
  • Grind your beans with a burr grinder (hand grinder or electric) that can grind fine enough for espresso. Grind between 16-24g of espresso and attach the dosing funnel to the portafilter. Tamp the espresso grounds, remove the dosing funnel, and affix the portafilter on the post (optionally, add the puck screen on top of the coffee bed). 
  • Prep the brew head and add the preheat cap onto the bottom (o-ring side) of the brew cylinder and fill with boiling water. Preheat the cylinder for 30 seconds. Empty the preheated water, remove the preheat cap, and place the brew cylinder on top of the portafilter. You are now ready to pull your first shot!

Step 4: Pulling a Shot:

  • Add brew water (198-208˚F, 92-97 ˚C) through the top of the brew cylinder. Add up to 70ml of water. Do not underfill the brew cylinder. Attach the pressure gauge stem by pressing down into the well on the brew cylinder. Rotate the pressure gauge for best visibility. Lower the brew lever lever. The total extraction time should be around 35-45 seconds and at 6-9 BAR pressure if the grind and dose are optimal.
  • Remove used espresso grounds from your brew cylinder. Once grounds are removed, rinse all brewing parts in cool water. Do not put any Flair components into the dishwasher as they are not dishwasher safe. 

For help dialing in your equipment or pulling shots, check out the articles below or reach out to our team of coffee experts and technicians.