General Maintenance

Lelit Bianca: How to Drain the Boilers (No Heat)

This article will show you a few different methods of draining the steam boiler and the brew boiler of your Lelit Bianca when the boilers are unable to heat or pressurize.

Steam Boiler:

- Method 1 -

Tools Needed:

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Flat blade Screwdriver
  • Ratchet
  • 17mm Deep Socket
  • Socket Extension
  • Needle-nose Pliers
  • Length of silicone tube
  • Bucket

1. Remove the top panel of your Lelit Bianca

2. Use a flat-blade screwdriver to pry up and remove the silicone tube attached to the cap of the vacuum breaker.  Take care not to rip the silicone tube.



3. Use the ratchet with the 17mm deep socket to remove the cap of the vacuum breaker.



4. Use the needle-nose pliers to remove the internals of the vacuum breaker.


5. Thread the cap of the vacuum breaker back onto the fitting that remains in the boiler.  Connect the length of the silicone tube to the cap of the vacuum breaker.  Next, tip the machine forward, directing the silicone tube into the bucket to catch the water that will come out of the steam boiler.  

6.  Once water is no longer coming out of the tube tip your machine upright.  Remove the tube and vacuum breaker cap.  Reinstall the vacuum breaker internals, thread and tighten the vacuum breaker cap back onto the fitting, and reconnect the original silicone tube.


- Method 2 -

Tools Needed:

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Flat blade Screwdriver
  • Ratchet
  • 17mm Deep Socket
  • Socket Extension
  • Siphon pump
  • Bucket

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from Method 1 above.

2. Use the ratchet and 17mm deep socket to remove the entire vacuum breaker fitting from the top of the steam boiler.



3.  Take the siphon pump and place one of the silicone tubes into the boiler and the other tube into the bucket.  There should be an arrow on the siphon pump that indicates the direction of the water flow.  Be sure that the arrow is pointed toward the bucket.



4. Pump the siphon bulb until water begins to freely flow into the bucket.  

5. When the boiler is empty, remove the siphon tool tube and reinstall the vacuum breaker.


Brew Boiler:

Tools needed:

  • #2 Philips head screwdriver
  • 17mm wrench 
  • a siphon pump 

In order to properly drain the brew boiler you will need to remove the remaining panels. 

1. Tilt the machine onto its front, so that it rests on the lower part of the frame and the E61 group head. Place a folded towel under the group head to prevent accidental damage.


2. From the back of the machine, follow the copper tubing to this fitting here:


3. Using a 17mm wrench remove the copper tube from the back of the boiler:


Go ahead and carefully push that copper tubing out of the way:


4. Take the siphon pump and place one of the silicone tubes into the hole on the back of the boiler and the other tube into the bucket.  There should be an arrow on the siphon pump that indicates the direction of the water flow.  Be sure that the arrow is pointed toward the bucket.


5. Pump the siphon bulb until water begins to freely flow into the bucket.  


From this point you will need to reinstall the copper tubing on the side of the boiler before laying the machine back on its feet. 

Congrats! You have drained the boilers of your Lelit Bianca!