Maintenance and Repair

Lelit Mara X: Draining the Machine

Use this guide to drain your Mara X's group head and boiler. This is an important step to perform prior to your machine or performing repair and/or maintenance procedures.

Tools Needed:
- Measuring cup (4-8 fl. oz.)
- Pitcher (at least 32 fl. oz.)
- Towel(s)

*NOTE: If your machine fails to power on or fails to heat, skip to the end of this article.

1. Start by powering the machine on and allowing it come to full temperature.
2. Set aside the drip tray and cup warming tray, then remove the water reservoir. Power the machine off and unplug it.
(If your machine has a flow control unit installed, make sure it is in the fully open position.)
3. Place the measuring cup in front of the machine, then lift the brew lever and tilt the machine forward so water begins to drain from the group head. You may need to carefully rock the machine back and forth, eventually dispensing 2-4 fl. oz. of water into the cup.
4. Direct the hot water wand into the pitcher and fully open the hot water valve. The boiler should dispense 24-32 fl. oz. of water.
5. Clean up any excess water.

NOTE: If your machine fails to power on or fails to heat, you can use the following instructions to drain the machine's boilers manually.

Tools Needed:
- Philips head screwdriver
- 17mm crescent wrench
- A sink or 5 gallon bucket or large bowl
- Towel(s)

1. Remove the panels from the machine.

2. Tilt the machine forward and rest it on its front, placing a towel underneath the group head and frame to protect the machine and your work surface.

3. Locate the access panel on the underside of the machine and remove it by unscrewing the four Philips head screws shown here.

4. Identify the boiler to hot water delivery tube connection on the bottom of the boiler, then unscrew the brass compression nut.

5. Identify the heat exchanger drain valve and turn the lever to the open position.

6. Carefully lift the machine and turn it upright over a sink or a bucket/large bowl, allowing all the water to drain from the bottom.