Steam & Steam Boiler Maintenance

Lucca M58: Steam/Hot Water Valve Joystick Seal Inspection and Replacement

A steam/hot water wand that constantly drips or fails to open/close consistently often indicates a compromised joystick seal gasket.

Tools Needed:
- 17mm crescent wrench
- 17mm deep socket and ratcheting wrench
- 6mm Allen key
- Highly recommended: bench vise
- Replacement joystick seal gasket

1. Start by removing the panels from the machine.

2. Use the 17mm crescent wrench to unscrew the brass compression fitting from the hot water or steam assembly inside the machine. You may need to disconnect the other end of the copper delivery tube from the boiler to get better access to the hot water/steam assembly.

3. Use the 17mm deep socket and ratcheting wrench to remove the extension adapter from the hot water or steam arm.

4. Use the 17mm deep socket and ratcheting wrench to remove the retaining nut from the hot water or steam arm. You can now pull the hot water/steam arm free from the machine.

5. The inside of the valve arm cap has a built in hex-fitting. Insert the 6mm Allen key and use it to unscrew the valve arm cap from the hot water/steam arm.
Remove and inspect this o-ring gasket. Re-install it if it's in good condition, or replace it with a few wraps of PTFE tape on the fitting threads.

6. Pull out the joystick seal gasket for inspection. Clean or replace as necessary.

7. Inspect the joystick seal gasket. You may be able to clean the gasket and reuse it. A badly worn joystick seal gasket should be replaced.

Replacement joystick seal gasket

A badly worn joystick seal gasket:

This used joystick seal gasket may still be re-usable, we'll need to clean it up and
re-install to test it out:

A brand new joystick seal gasket:

8. Follow these instructions in reverse to reassemble the hot water/steam arm assembly and re-install it into the machine.