General Maintenance

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

Below you will find written instructions and a video for installing the updated PID on the ECM Synchronika espresso machine. (Difficulty ☕☕☕)


*NOTE: If you are installing the updated PID in the Synchronika you will also need to have the updated 2.5bar safety valve installed: Synchronika Updated Safety Valve

Tools Needed:

  • Adjustable Wrench
  • 21mm Wrench
  • 2.5mm + 3mm Allen Wrenches

1. Remove the panels of the machine.
2: Remove the brew boiler.

3. Remove the copper fitting here and bend the pipe slightly out of the way.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

4. Remove the whole copper pipe by removing these two fittings circled here.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

5. Use the 21mm wrench to remove this fitting circled here.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

6. Remove the fitting circled here.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

7. Remove the top two screws that are holding the coffee boiler in place.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

8. Set the coffee boiler carefully to the side of the machine, careful not to pull any wires.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

9. Remove the two screws in the back of the PID casing.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

10. Remove all of the wires from the PID, easily done if you pull the PID out of the front of the machine, swap all the wires over to the new PID and then reinstall everything.

ECM Synchronika: Installing Updated PID

11. Reinstall the boiler of the machine, give it a test* before reinstalling the panels so you can check for any leaks at any of the fittings.

*When the new PID is installed you will get a "FIL" code on the PID. Before going forward you must update the PID settings found here: Updated Synchronika PID Settings